Popular Culture

Broadcast Work:

Popular Culture

CBS-TV (PeeWee’s Playhouse)

Public Broadcasting System (WNET-NY)

Public Broadcasting System (KQED San Francisco)

Smart Project’s Space broadcast, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

New England Cable Systems

Cage TV Cincinnati

Channel 25, New York

Free Speech TV, Boulder, CO

Continental Cablevision, Enfield, CT

Southern Maine Cable TV Consortium, Portland, ME

American Cablesystems, Cambridge, MA

American Cablesystems, Cape Cod, MA

Boston (MA) Community Access and Programming Foundation

Continential Cablevision of Northampton, Northampton, MA

Greater Boston Cable, Woburn, MA

Quincy Cablesystems, Quincy, MA

Somerville Community Access TV, Somerville, MA

Community TV Network, Interconnect Channels, RI

Green Mountain Cable Vision, Burlington, VT

Cablevision of Stamford, CT

TV Ontario, Toronto, Canada